
In my previous post, I know that I have made many grammatical errors. I know I haven’t used English properly in various places. After I was done writing I thought about not going through it, but I thought it’s better to give the world your raw form. Better to be perfect by not having to think or worrying about not being perfect. Better for it to be as it is, than to correct it and end up cutting half of what I wrote. I am not writing to impress anyone. I’m just trying to convey a message.

People have made English a thing you know. Like they’ve stressed on how it should be written and spoken perfectly. But you know what? Who are we to decide what’s perfect and what’s not perfect. Who are we to make those decisions. My opinion is equally as important as yours. I think that what perfect English really is that, the things said or written should be perfectly understood. Now it doesn’t matter if you’ve written it, in simple words or if you have used bombastic language, whether you said it in a British accent or an American one or in an Indian accent. It doesn’t matter. The whole point of language is to convey your message. I think it’s the material one should focus on and not how the material is decorated or presented.

So don’t make language a thing or a competition.


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