Monthly Archives: June 2016

What strength really is.

Have you ever wondered what strength really is?

Most people believe that strength is the physical effort one puts to achieve things. But that is not what strength really is:

Strength is having control. Control that gives you the command over yourself to do the right things.

Strength is happiness. Yes, happiness is strength. Happiness that brings out the best in you.

Strength is satisfaction. Satisfaction that gives you peace. 

Strength is love. Love that makes you do things that you never thought you could do before.

Strength is anger. Anger that drives you to do things in order to set things right. 

Strength is being quiet. 

Strength is not being ignorant.

Strength is sadness.

Sadness that reminds you where you stand. Sadness that teaches you how to evolve as a human being.

Strength is dreams. Dreams that make you want to work harder.

Strength is so many things that it’s impossible for me to list them all out here. Basically strength is all those things that make you want to be a better person. Strength is all those things that give you hope, courage, and belief.


In my previous post, I know that I have made many grammatical errors. I know I haven’t used English properly in various places. After I was done writing I thought about not going through it, but I thought it’s better to give the world your raw form. Better to be perfect by not having to think or worrying about not being perfect. Better for it to be as it is, than to correct it and end up cutting half of what I wrote. I am not writing to impress anyone. I’m just trying to convey a message.

People have made English a thing you know. Like they’ve stressed on how it should be written and spoken perfectly. But you know what? Who are we to decide what’s perfect and what’s not perfect. Who are we to make those decisions. My opinion is equally as important as yours. I think that what perfect English really is that, the things said or written should be perfectly understood. Now it doesn’t matter if you’ve written it, in simple words or if you have used bombastic language, whether you said it in a British accent or an American one or in an Indian accent. It doesn’t matter. The whole point of language is to convey your message. I think it’s the material one should focus on and not how the material is decorated or presented.

So don’t make language a thing or a competition.


Opening up….

I am not sure where to start from but I think now is the right time to start from. You know how people say the past is the past and that you should forget about it and live in the now, and think about the future. I think that’s total bullshit. I think the past is what defines a person. It shows how much a person went through and evolved as the person they are right now. It shows the persons capabilities, their abilities to face different situations. Okay, stop. Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that a person should dwell in the past. I am just saying that cherish what you’ve been through. And if anyone hasn’t said it to you yet, I will, hats off to you mate! You effing survived. It doesn’t matter whether you survived the good or the bad or both. Point is you made it. You did it. And You should be proud of yourself.

So basically I wanted to share my story. I think everyone should share their life experiences. You know why? Because I think in a way you’re helping people. Helping people understand what life can really be like, what it is and how you faced it. Your story might affect them, maybe just a little bit or maybe not at all. But does that matter? Hell no! You shared your experience. And there’s no better feeling than getting all of that out.  

I think I’m dragging this a bit too much. I am sorry but I’ve got too much on my mind right now and I want it all to come out. So it might take some time for me to understand how to explain my experience with all of you. 
People say everybody has a purpose. But what is purpose? What is the purpose of purpose? What’s the purpose of purpose? Why should purpose even have a purpose? Let’s think about the first question. What is purpose? I believe that everyone’s definition of purpose is different. For most of you it’s love. Cliche? Not at all. For the rest of you it might be power, independence and there’s a million or even a trillion other purposes! So people basically look at purpose with different perspectives. What’s the purpose of purpose? Simple, what you want it to be. And do you know what that is? Happiness. What’s the purpose of having a purpose? Well, I already answered that. And lastly, without purpose there would be life with no meaning.

So my story, is just like any other persons story. And my life is just the same as all of your lives. The only things different are, one, how I lived it, and two I had a different purpose.

~Stay tuned 

Hello WordPress-lings

I just want to share a few thoughts which have been stuck in my head for quite a long time now, and I think I’m ready to get them all out. I started this blog with the intention of changing people’s perspective on a few aspects of life. I’m not sure what I will write about, my blogs will mostly just be a flow of my thoughts. My articles will be raw and may have a few grammatical errors because, once I’ve written it all down I will not re-read my post. This is because if I do I will end up cutting up most of my sentences and try my best to make it perfect, and I don’t want to cut out what I’ve wrote. 

I hope you like my articles and most importantly I hope you like the way I think šŸ™‚

~Stay tuned